The Company


CaribbeanTales is Canada’s premier multimedia company producing educational projects based on the rich heritage of Caribbean culture and storytelling. Founded in 2001 by filmmaker and producer Frances-Anne Solomon, projects include

– our monthly E-newsletter featuring profiles of Caribbean storytellers, cultural commentary as well as news and events;

– LiteratureAlive: a multi-faceted multimedia project that includes documentaries, audio books, and an educational website, all profiling Canadian-Caribbean authors;

– Heartbeat: an exciting new Canadian-Caribbean musician profile documentary series;

– Talk It Out! : a Canada-wide, youth and anti-violence project that uses Leda Serene’s film A Winter Tale as a tool for dialogue among Canada’s youth;

– the CaribbeanTales Annual Film Festival, the CaribbeanTales Youth Film Festival, and more! n

Mandate and Vision

CaribbeanTales’ mandate is to foster and encourage intercultural understanding and citizen participation through the creation, distribution and presentation of educational films, videos, new media and resource materials that reflect the diversity and creativity of Caribbean-Diasporic heritage and culture.

CaribbeanTales’ vision is to contribute to an inclusive global society by celebrating the rich traditions of Caribbean heritage storytelling.

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